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Top 6 Ways to Get More Customers as a Personal Trainer

Posted 16 June 2023

Blog tags: Fitness

Are you ready to rise above the competition and make a name for yourself as a standout Personal Trainer (PT) in the dynamic fitness industry? In such a crowded market, it's crucial to bring something to the table that nobody else offers and that attracts a wider audience.

The biggest challenge for any PT that wants to get more personal training clients is finding effective ways to differentiate themselves from the competition and attract clients to their services. There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to winning personal training clients. By leaning into your unique strengths, interests, and specialised skills, you can establish an identifiable niche that sets you apart from the other coaches in your area. This process involves creating a compelling brand identity that potential clients can’t resist engaging with.

Throughout this article, we'll guide you step by step, exploring innovative tactics to showcase your USPs (Unique Selling Points), increase your visibility, and build a reputation that speaks directly to the needs and goals of your target audience. By strategically positioning yourself and crafting an irresistible brand image, you'll attract clients who are drawn to your expertise and resonate with your authentic personality and approach to fitness.

This article will provide you with actionable insights and a fresh perspective on how to stand out as a Personal Trainer, get more personal training clients and build a thriving, fulfilling, and financially rewarding career.

How To Get More Personal Training Clients

Achieve Personal Trainer Qualifications

Becoming qualified as a Personal Trainer is a badge of expertise and a powerful tool for attracting more clients. In an industry that values professionalism and knowledge, obtaining the necessary qualifications sets you apart from the competition and positions you as a trusted authority in the field.

Let's explore why investing in your qualifications can change the game for your personal training career. 


·         Establishing Credibility: Qualifications provide a solid foundation of knowledge and skills that clients seek when choosing a Personal Trainer. By earning recognised qualifications, you demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning and professional development. This instantly boosts your credibility and instils confidence in potential clients, assuring them that they are in capable hands.

·         Demonstrate Your Expertise: The personal training landscape is constantly evolving, with new research, techniques, and best practices emerging regularly. By staying current with industry trends, you position yourself as an expert who can deliver effective, evidence-based training. Clients are more likely to trust trainers who showcase a deep understanding of exercise science, anatomy, nutrition, and other essential components of fitness.

·         Expanding Your Service Offerings: Qualifications can unlock new opportunities to diversify your service offerings and cater to a broader range of clients. Specialised certifications, such as corrective exercise, sports performance, or nutrition, allow you to tap into niche markets and address specific client concerns. This expanded skill set enables you to provide comprehensive, well-rounded training programs, attracting clients with different objectives and boosting your overall market appeal.

Remember, qualifications not only enhance your professional standing but also equip you with the knowledge and skills to help clients achieve their fitness goals effectively and safely. As you invest in your own growth and expertise, you create a compelling value proposition that resonates with potential clients seeking exceptional training experiences.

Find your niche

Identifying a niche is crucial for Personal Trainers to attract more clients and establish themselves as experts. By identifying a specific target audience and tailoring your services to meet their unique needs, trainers can provide a more personalised and effective training experience, leading to better results and greater client satisfaction. Focusing on a niche allows trainers to develop expertise, build authority, and create a strong personal brand.


By positioning themselves as trusted resources within their niche, trainers can attract new clients who are seeking guidance and support in that specific area. Additionally, targeting niche-specific marketing channels and messaging helps trainers optimise their marketing efforts and connect directly with individuals who are most likely to be interested in their services.

Ultimately, finding a niche such as nutrition or strength and conditioning not only differentiates Personal Trainers in a competitive industry but also leads to increased job satisfaction and fulfilment, as they align their work with their personal interests.

If you're looking for the right niche for you, take a look at one of the courses below:

Elite Nutrition Personal Trainer

Elite Strength and Conditioning Personal Trainer

Free trials and discounts

Free trials and discounts are powerful tools for personal trainers looking to get more personal training clients and grow their businesses. By offering free trials, trainers can showcase their expertise, build trust, and establish a personal connection with potential clients. This allows individuals to experience the trainer's style and results first-hand, leading to informed decisions and increased confidence in committing to their services. Discounts also provide a financial incentive that addresses potential clients' concerns about the cost of personal training, as well as creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity that motivates individuals to take action.

Free trials and discounts can lead to word-of-mouth marketing as satisfied clients share their positive experiences with friends and family, resulting in new referrals. Expanding your client base can enhance your reputation in the fitness industry.

Social Media

Social media platforms, such as TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and other video-based platforms, offer personal trainers a range of benefits to attract more customers. For example, TikTok’s short-form videos allow trainers to showcase their expertise and engage with a wide audience through entertaining content. By creating engaging video content and utilising interactive features, trainers can establish credibility and build a sense of community.

Instagram’s visual-centric nature enables personal trainers to create a visually appealing portfolio that highlights their fitness journey, client transformations, and training sessions. With Instagram Stories and Reels, trainers can provide educational content, share workout routines, and conduct live Q&A sessions, all of which attract and engage a broader audience.

Similarly, YouTube provides an ideal platform for trainers to produce in-depth educational content, answer FAQs, and offer valuable insights. The long-form videos on YouTube position trainers as reliable sources of information and increase visibility on search engines.

Additionally, video-based platforms like Facebook Live and Twitch allow trainers to engage in real-time, build personal connections, and convert viewers into clients.

If you need help knowing how to promote yourself on social media, we've got you covered. All of our Personal Trainer courses include a Social Media and Branding CPD, which contains all the knowledge you need to build your personal brand and unlock the full potential of social media.

Offer exclusive promotions

Exclusive promotions are a powerful tool for personal trainers to attract more customers and gain a competitive advantage. By offering introductory promotions, trainers can provide discounted or trial sessions to new clients, showcasing their expertise and encouraging them to choose their services.

Group training discounts appeal to those who enjoy working out with others by providing reduced rates for training sessions conducted in a group setting.

Referral rewards incentivise satisfied clients to spread the word about the services, whilst seasonal promotions, aligned with specific periods or events, create a sense of urgency and motivation, attracting new customers and engaging existing ones with limited-time discounts, themed programs, or tailored packages.

Personal trainers can use exclusive promotions to their advantage in getting more clients and retaining their existing client base.

Take your services online

Experience the freedom and flexibility that online personal training brings. No longer bound by the constraints of physical locations and fixed schedules, your clients can now engage in workouts from the comfort of their own homes, at a nearby park, or even while on the go. The power to choose the most convenient time for their sessions eliminates the stress of rushing to the gym or reshuffling their daily routines. Online personal training sessions have emerged as a game-changer, quickly becoming a compelling selling point that empowers potential clients to fully commit to their fitness goals.

Embrace the modern era of personal training and unlock a world of boundless possibilities. By embracing online sessions, you gain the ability to reach individuals from diverse locations, eliminating geographical barriers. With online training at your disposal, your potential client base can expand limitlessly, allowing you to connect with individuals who were previously beyond your reach.

How The Training Room can help you achieve your potential

At The Training Room, we believe that a career in health and fitness is more than just getting qualified. It's about making sure our alumni join the industry with the skills and knowledge they need to hit the ground running and launch a successful career.

We offer a range of level 4 Personal Trainer courses that will ensure you are educated to a higher standard than many PTs in the industry and are prepared for the real-world challenges of the fitness trade.

Supporting you throughout your course is a team of subject matter experts, and with guaranteed interviews for graduates and flexible payments to suit most circumstances, nothing is stopping you from having the career you've always wanted.


Contact us today on 01202 006 389 or email us to find out more.

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